Friday, December 31, 2010

End of the 2010

This blog just woke up from a coma. A lot of u guys have most probably given up on looking at this after i remained stagnant for.. 11months. anyhow, thanks for yr support so far.

Im going to dedicate this blog post to my papa for everything that he's done for me. My dad has gone to a new sch after recuperating for a few months. It wasnt easy. With him facing all the pressure and keeping everything to himself. He has numerous health problems and relationship diff. He once said that he loved xx sch, but sometimes, its office politics is overwhelming. Hopefully with a new sch, he'll have a new start. A good one. I've done a lot of bad things to my dad so far. within a year, i've changed 180degrees from a pleasant daughter to a rebel (Im a milder rebel now). that must have come as a shock. I've spewed vulgarities non-stop at him, scolded him, thrown a tantrum. He didnt handle it very well either. but despite all these, i noe that inside, he still love me alot. he loves all of us alot. its just that he cant communicate very well. How'd i noe? Isnt this the 'model' reply. honestly, he's really done alot for the family. He cooks, he mops, he buys chocalates for us, he washes, he hangs clothes. He even offers to fetch us sometimes when he's eyes are TINY. I think life would have been more difficult without him. PAPA, no matter wad, be less stubborn and be happy in your new workplace. ALL THE BEST for 2011 :)