Monday, December 28, 2009

Bipolar? *Note: this post has depressing content*

People, I think I have issues. Maybe bipolar disorder. I dun know.. I'm like a cuckoo clock but I just can't help it. One moment I'm feeling all happy n cheery n the next i'll be emo-ing. And...I can't just stop thinking negatively abt myself. It's as if there's this evil little devil in my head telling all the bad stuff abt myself. Then, I found out today that my fren thinks like me.

R u all like that too? If so, at least we have company(:

ps: Is this my psycho-self talking?

Friday, December 25, 2009

Why,  my compaq widescreen comp?

Dear comp, are u suffering from dementia? Or some old-age targetting virus?

 Look at you. You're keyless..

     Plus, why did u bleach mysoju? I love watching dramas u know...

N why, why must i see these all the time. Even on wiki n all those educational, smarty-pants website..

Look at pitiful google...

Is it not yr fault? Maybe it's time to let go n get a new comp...

So sorry, today's yr last day. Thanks for accompanying me for 4 yrs.
*hugs you*
Randomness at 2am

Hi again people. Yah i know, I just blogged like 5hrs ago. Just. Recently. I know I'm supposed to be sleeping like NOW. But i can't. It's only 7.38pm to be exact in Amsterdam. Dinner time. ER.. ya that's why I'm having supper now. So sry. Confusing rite. I understand how u feel rite now. ok... so.. ya, on the side note

HOHOHO,MERRY X'mas :)   
yeah, merry, hoho. Hope u're having a great time today.

 thanks to rs, i'm gonna share a vid for the first time. It's a vlog i'm following:)

Allergic to Chocolate

we so click rite?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

I'm Back frm Amsterdam

But i'm still feeling pretty lazzy. so yeah.

I shall just blog abt my holiday later. Vlog/Blog- hopping now. HEHE

ps: um... i feel weird cuz i lost TIME somewhere between 9pm tues and 3pm weds? ER.. tues..weds....... Ahhh, confusing.

BUT HOHO, i'm gonna name my experience......the jetlag

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

1 hr 10 min before take off

LOL. hello everyone, i'm here to blog just before we leave for the plane flight at 1am. Haha, using the free comp at the airport. My first stop will be at amsterdam. SSSOOOO COOLL. yah, can't help it. first time to europe :)) will be gaining extra time in the plane cuz it's GMT + 8 here in singapore n GMT +1 in amsterdam. Everything's so surreal now.. i feel like i'm dreaming o.o . K, see u soon guys since i dun think i'll be using the comp over there.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

12 dec 09

Happy Birthday XIAOPING

Haha, dec is really a month of celebrations. So glad that our b'days are so close together:)

So fast. tmr, my whole family's gonna depart for europe. Haven packed my bag yet. Gonna do so later. But i'll miss everyone back home n my 9-hr choir practices :0 Juz hope that i won't spent all my money on toileet trips. (can u believe it costs abt S$2 just to relief yrself)Yep, I'd rather splurge my money on sweets n souvenirs.

Dear frens, I noe u're waiting for them rite :P haha

WiLL BE BACK ON 24th Dec

To end off... click this link . It's called Heaven by DJ Sammy

Thursday, December 10, 2009

If i'm so high today, it's all hq's fault.
Congrats..17 le. so excited. lala~

K. back from lala land. Still so happy. So many things coming up;D

Tmr: Going with jz to temple to pray for my safety. thanks alot, good fren.
Meet up with choir frens to prepare for our special item (Tabidachi No Hini)in the band concert at nite. Hope Oli n me get well soon.

Sat/Sun: Planning to take xiaoping out to celebrate her b'day. but not confirmed.

Mon: Flying to Europe at nite. Yay.

But first,my mom's forcing us to recover from our sore throats so that we can take the Hini Vaccine.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hi again:D

Sry that I've not blogged like I promised. It's just that some things happened n I camped at ct's hse n ya, I still feel like crap. There's just too much negative energy at home. My sis cried miserably on her b'day yesterday, my bro was throwing a tantrum, no one's in the mood for anything.

Still, for these past 5 days, thank u chiou torn, jov, jia zhen, cherry, darren,jem n aunty for supporting me thru. U really went beyond wat's called for. HAHA, I expected much less. So...ya, I feel so LOVED


Once upon a time I wouldn't hav believed in retail therapy. But ppl, just so u noe, i STILL dun believe in squeezing off yr fren's $$. So one way or another, i'm gonna pay u'all back. I'm not yr 'wad' k?! Lol. nvm.
Now, the pauper shall pick herself up n continue from where she's left off.

Fyi, her hair's short again :D